Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Coretan Kedua

Ketika Hati Bertasbih

Duduk disini sendiri, ditengah keramaian, tapi tetap aku merasa sepi. Tak ada yang mengenalku,  tak ada yang aku kenali. Aku hanya seperti menatap dinding kosong berlukiskan berwajah-wajah manusia. Aku hanya menuliskan rasa yang saat ini mengalir dalam perasaanku, sambil kulihat begitu banyak manusia menatapku heran. Mungkinkah mereka menganggapku gila??? Menulis sambil tiba-tiba air mataku mengalir lembut ke pipi. Rasanya  ingin sekali bilang “Hei, aku tak apa, aku hanya ingin menetralkan hatiku dengan menangis”.
Kulihat lagi sekelilingku, hemm, aku salut dengan kerja keras mereka . Tuhan, lihat wajah-wajah letih terpanggang sinar matahari di siang ini. Wajah-wajah penuh beban namun senyum mereka masih tetap terjaga. Aku tau mereka punya beban, tapi lihatlah, mereka tetap bertahan dalam sulitnya hidup. Ya Allah Bisakah aku seperti mereka?? Menatap hidup ini dengan tabah, tak peduli apapun yang aku rasakan, aku harus tetap membuat orang disekitarku bahagia. Ya Allah, saat ini liatlah aku, berpakaian rapi, segar, bisa kuliah, lantas kenapa aku selalu saja mengeluh akan kekuranganku? Mengapa tak pernah puas atas begitu banyak nikmat yang tak pernah putus Engkau berikan padaku. Aku merasa menjadi hambaMu yang tak pandai bersyukur. Astarfirullahaladzim. Ampuni aku ya Allah.... Maafkan aku.....
Harusnya aku bersyukur, harusnya aku bertahan dalam getirnya perjuangan hidup, Aku lebih beruntung dari mereka, seperti sebuah kutiapan indah yang berkata “some else happy more less than what you have”. Masih banyak orang lain di luar sana yang mungkin lebih sedih lagi kehidupannya. Aku harus semangat, harus yakin n’ berusaha untuk terus menjadi lebih baik. Tidak hanya untuk dunia, tapi juga untuk akhirat. Karena aku diciptakan di dunia ini adalah untuk menyembah-Nya seperti dalam firman-Nya “Dan AKU tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah-Ku” (QS.At-Dzariat : 56).

#inspirasi at pasar 16 plb
my real experience

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

My essay "Solar Collector"

Solar Collector

Solar water heating systems are most economical when built into a new home, but can be added to existing homes as well. Solar water heating systems are operating in homes, and commercial installations throughout the U.S. The are several steps for using sun’s energy to heat water.
The first step which we must do is that can take some glass cover plates above the hot water storage tank. In this step the sun’s heat passes through glass cover plate.
After that steps, the heat is absorbed by copper tubes. We put the copper tubes under the glass cover plate, and the heat transferred.
In the third step, heat is conducted from tubes to flowing with them. In this process, from insulation and aluminum casing help contain heat.
Finally, heat is transferred by pumping to circulate the hot fluid from solar collectors to insulated hot water. So that’s the way, we can take hot water and also cold water.
In conclusion, solar hot water systems can provide a significant amount of the energy you use to heat water. Although some solar energy comes through even on partly cloudy days, an electric heating element takes over when there’s not enough sunlight.

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

My Essay "The Way to Register in University"

Assalamu'alaikum wrb..
senangnya krna ingin aktif di blog ini.. :) ini cma sekedar essay mini (heee) tugas kuliahku... mungkin byak hal yg hrus diperbaiki... bisa d komen ya...

The Way to Register in University

Registration when going to college is very important to do because if it is not, we will not get a class. It means that we can’t follow the lesson in the class. So that, as a new or old student in a university, when new school year or new semester, we have to register first.
In my university, there are some steps that must be passed when the registration. Firstly, we have to take a form of payment in BAK, then after we contain the forms, we can pay the tuition to the bank in front of our university or in other bank which is same.
The next step, after we pay the tuition, we have to take stamp in BAK. And we bring the forms of payment in BAA to get a biographical data blank and KRS to be filled completely. KRS have to fill based on the subjects that we take in that semester. We also must remember to patch our photo in the form.
After that, before the form is returned to BAA, we have to meet with our academic supervisor that has been chosen for us to ask the signature for complete the form. For a new student, it is not easy because we must search the academic supervisor that we don’t know before. So, we must ask to people there or we ask to the staff there. This step is sometime need much time because to meet our academic supervisor is not easy. We have to go to the campus in the afternoon because the room courses in my university will open in that time.
Finally, when we have met our academic supervisor and got the signature, we can bring the data about our biographical, payment, KRS to BAA again. Then the staff will give us card of college. It means that we have register in our university and we can follow the subjects.
In conclusion, we have to follow the steps that have been determined by the university to be legal students in the university.

My Essay "Culture Shock"

Culture Shock

Culture shock is a problem we face up to everyday, especially when we travel abroad. Culture shock makes us losing all the familiar signs and symbols of the social intercourse. To deal with this, we must know the causes and effects of culture shock.

The most important cause of culture shock was misunderstanding native languages. When we visit a foreign country, we will find it difficult to understand the language, even when we know the language, that still makes us misunderstanding because peoples use slangs that we don’t know what it means.

The next reason of culture shock was being unfamiliar with new food in the foreign country. As the Indonesian peoples, usually we eat the main food “rice”, meanwhile when we go to other country especially in Europe, we will be difficult to find rice because, there, the main food is bread.

The third cause was transportation. Many countries have different transportation and how to pay it. In Indonesia, when we ride bus, the assistant of driver will take the pay, but in Singapore, we just pay by using card, and they don’t have assistant of driver.

After that, because of different weather, it also can make culture shock for us who usually live in the country that have two seasons, meanwhile when we live in foreign country, we will find other seasons like winter, summer, spring, autumn.
These four causes that sometime become a problem for us, especially when we travel abroad. And the effect of culture shock makes us confused so much, afraid, difficult to sleep, and have health problems.

As a result of culture shock, we can feel afraid. We must be careful when we talk with someone there because we don’t want to make them disturb with our words.
Therefore, different food makes us get health problems, such as stomachache because the taste was bad on our tongue or on our stomach. And wa cann’t sleep enough because of the weather that is not good for our body.

Nevertheless, it’s not so difficult to solve these problems. We must try to understand and get acquainted with host customs and food instead of complaint, we would adjust ourself to the new environment. Becoming friendly with native people, getting used to new food will make us feel more comfortable and cosy, and we must try to search information as much as possible.

In conclusion, culture shock should always be studied carefully so that people can feel easier to adjust to new environment and haven’t to meet culture shock.

My Essay "RCTI VS TRANS 7"


In Indonesia, there are many television station that give many information about national and international, either in the form of entertainment, news, education programs, etc. In this era, television is no longer a need for additional, but as an absolute necessity for any family or individual. Because of that, many stations are done a competition to find the popularity from the public. There many new programs that aired in television. However, every station is had their own unique characteristics on the programs, for example, RCTI and Trans 7. There are similarity and differences between RCTI and Trans 7 programs.
RCTI and Trans 7 have several similarities. RCTI is an Indonesian Private Television Station, and Trans 7 is too. RCTI is had a news program, for example Seputar Indonesia, same like Trans 7 news program, named Redaksi. In addition, RCTI also has a program that giving information about celebrities, while Trans 7 is same.  
On the other hand, RCTI and Trans 7 have some very important differences in the following areas : science programs, children’s program, and entertainment.
Firstly, the difference between RCTI and Trans 7 is in their science program. RCTI doesn’t have special program about science. While, Trans 7 has programs about it, for example Spotlite, On The Spot, Wolipop, Warna, Tau Gak Sih, Dunia Binatang, Si bolang, etc. It is very good to watch the people because there are a lot of knowledge that can we get from it. It is also packaged interestly.
The next difference between RCTI and Trans 7 is in the children’s program. RCTI has special program for children, usually on Sunday. There are many cartoon played and the children can watch it well. But, actually Trans 7 is also has a program that can consume the children, but it is not like cartoon. All of program in Trans 7, I think can be watched by children.
Finally, RCTI and Trans 7 have difference in their entertainment programs. RCTI has serial movie like Pernikahan Dini, Masih Dibawah Umur,etc, while Trans 7 doesn’t has program like that. Beside that, RCTI also has music program to entertain public, but Trans 7 does’t has. Even as it is, Trans 7 has the program to entertain such as Opera Van Java, Ups Salah, Maka Besar that can be entertainment to public.
In conclusion, then, although there are some similarities between RCTI and Trans 7, there are quite a number of important differences. RCTI has many programs to entertain, while Trans 7 has many programs about science but still being entertainment. So, it is depend on ourselves what the best program that can make us feel enjoy because all of programs have their own value for the spectator.